Desert Wanderings: Thoughts

You and I see
shadows fall upon our destined days.
Eventide takes all,
as sun-glow journeys on.
Then, later still, pale after-light
haunts sky and creeps across its vast
unquiet heart.

Past barren night, appears another glow.
First barely seen,
bright sunrise steals
then kills
the desert’s darkened cold.

So, the cycle courses on
And carries us along.
We only rend its grip
when our own sure sunsets
sever all.

I ask
about a child.
Yes, even this one slept in womb’s wet blackness
before he dared rush out
to bask and dance in day.

Light and dark together dwell
within this deep-drilled well we call
our world.
Each soul must meld the two as one
before sight dawns with eyes
made fully wide.

In some past time before,
I once explored
a dusty, cob-webbed attic room.
Holding a candle
high, I saw the place
anew, allowing restless
shdows to show my way.
remains unseen
without the dark.

On some appointed date unknown,
sun and moon will die as one,
with all of earth aflame.
The child,
then grown, shall
dance anew.

More must await us after.
What shall illuminate our pathway
during that endless, rushing no-time
of stifled stars?

Lightened or no,
we’ll wrest a way
to live on and
dance through endless space.
Then, I say let’s wander
beyond these bounded desert
sunset days.

Prayers in Darkness

Our suffering God, who,
through your Son, Jesus
Christ, gave us redemption
through His death on the
cross, give us peace. May we
know this peace daily: that we
have forgiveness for all our
sins and eternal redemption
and resurrection in Christ.
May we have the strength to
rest in your eternal love given
to us, now and forever.

Dear God, be our constant
helper, guide, guardian and
companion during each day
of our lives. May You keep
us in wholeness and in
eternal life, until You gather
us to yourself on the Last
Day. Then may we live in
the perpetual light and love
of your blessed dominion
forever. Amen.

Our precious
God, keep us from
cursing the
darkness and
cursing within
darkness. Help us
to bless the dark,
as well as others
in the dark with
us. In Jesus’
powerful and holy
name we pray.

Jesus, thank you
for the one who
shares my heart
and life forever.

Jesus redeemer, I
give all I ever
was, all I am
today and all I
yet shall be to
You forever.

Like a sailor,
shipwrecked and
washed ashore, I
lie in gritty sand.
This desert,
deserted isle
spreads out about
me. No one comes
to hold, to heal,
to comfort or
nourish. I am
cast-off far and
forsaken by God.

At Communion,
she spilled wine
on my hands. I
looked, saw blood
and knew it was
my careless sin. I
prayed, and then
it vanished.
Jesus, take all my
sins ever, as you
did that day.

Dear God, take
my hand. Shield
me from the
enemies gathered
here. Hide and
embrace my soul.